




An ongoing role of CDC Quinte has been to engage with community members, people of lived experience, institutions, associations, businesses, and governments to foster relationship building and collaboration and address emerging local issues holistically. This work can include knowledge exchange through informal conversations, sitting on committees, bringing people together through workshops and roundtables, or developing and coordinating networks.

At its core, community outreach helps communities function better. It brings people and institutions together for the common good and can create an inspirational, ripple effect of change. When people and groups come together, the result of their impact becomes greater than anything possible alone or in silos. Outreach opens doors, welcomes new and possibly unforeseen partnerships, and helps to create community-wide lasting change.

Our current local outreach work supports

Coordination of the Belleville Charitable Meal Programs Network (CHAMPS)

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, City of Belleville

  • Community Services Network, Co-Chair

  • Tweed Food for All Steering Committee

  • HPE Data Consortium

Food Insecurity in H&PEC Compared to Ontario

  • 10.5% (1 in 10) of H&PE households are moderate or severely food insecure versus 8.5% (1 in 12) of households across the province

  • 16.8% (1 in 6) H&PE households experience some level of food insecurity versus 13.1% (1 in 7) households at a provincial level

Hunger is the face of poverty.

If you had to choose between paying your rent or buying food, what would you do, knowing that if you get evicted, you won’t have a cupboard to put your food in? If you had to choose between paying the hydro bill or buying food, what would you do, knowing that if the hydro is cut off, you won’t have any way to cook your food or keep it refrigerated? Hunger is the face of poverty!

The cost of eating poorly over the long term comes in the form of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, leading to health care costs increasing up to 3x that of a food secure person - further perpetuating experiences of poverty.

Please fill out the survey to help us get started

Together, let's create a food-abundant, self-supporting Belleville

Food is an essential need and a human right.

Our need to eat is a common thread that binds us.

Our community is abundant with assets and opportunities.

Every person has inherent value and the ability to contribute worth.

Become An Abundance Ambassador

The Community Development Council of Quinte is looking for 10 community enthusiasts to lead the Belleville Abundance Project.