Hunger doesn’t wait for policy change.

Your workplace can help families to gain access to affordable healthy food through sponsorship.
Get involved today!

Your contribution will make a tangible difference in countless individuals' lives and inspire others to take action and be part of this incredible journey.

Your support will be acknowledged through regular updates and the opportunity to witness firsthand the impact we are making together.




Donate Products

We accept items such as diapers, formula, wipes, gas cards

Fundraising Events

Host an event supporting CDC Quinte, such as a Golf Tournament

Sponsor a Delivery Truck

Donate $250 to cover the cost of a delivery truck for one month or donate gas cards!

Good Baby Box

Host a Good Baby Box product drive at your workplace or business

Connect With Us

We are always open to talking about opportunities that might benefit everyone, so if you have any additional ideas, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Rachelle Baldock, at