Belleville Abundance Project

Improving access to healthy and local food through creative community solutions

Throughout 2024, CDC Quinte and our "Abundance Ambassadors" will be getting to know the commmunity - meeting with businesses, organizations, and residents - and mapping our local gifts and assets.

In 2025, we will share all that we learned with the community, and together, start mapping out a plan for action.

How can we use the gifts and assets that Belleville already has to create lasting solutions that improve access to healthy and local food?

When we work together, the possibilities are endless.

Please fill out the survey to help us get started

Together, let's create a food-abundant, self-supporting Belleville

Food is an essential need and a human right.

Our need to eat is a common thread that binds us.

Our community is abundant with assets and opportunities.

Every person has inherent value and the ability to contribute worth.

Become An Abundance Ambassador

The Community Development Council of Quinte is looking for 10 community enthusiasts to lead the Belleville Abundance Project.